About Us

Trakya University Examination Application and Research Center took office through the Official Gazette no. 28915 dated 16 February 2014, in order to carry out research and development studies based on information infrastructure for conducting exams electronically or classically, to commission the students and officials for all kinds of supervised central exams that need to be held in accordance with the formal/evening/distance education activities carried out at the university, to realise the exam software automation and exam requests needed in internal and external projects within and outside the university, to acredite, to provide counselling on the said issues above and to ensure the necessary coordination, to conduct or propose scientific and technological researches for the introduction of supervised or unattended e-examination applications that will help the development and progress of our country in the process of transition to the information society, and to cooperate with local and foreign institutions in research and applications related to central exams.


This content was issued on 08.09.2022 and has been viewed for 119 times.